Tag CloudComputing

Cloud partners zijn Succesvoller …

Microsoft heeft IDC gevraagd een onderzoek te doen naar de correlatie tussen het succes van partners en hun focus op het leveren van cloud diensten. Hieronder de management samenvatting en de link naar het volledige rapport : IDC has worked…

Microsoft Releases Next-Generation Office 365 for Business

Another big milestone for Microsoft’s Cloud Services : The release of the next generation Office365 … Microsoft Corp. today announced worldwide availability of a major new update to its Microsoft Office 365 services for business. Microsoft’s most complete Office cloud…

Website Microsoft Global Foundation Services renewed #cloudcomputing

The website of Microsoft Global Foundation Services is totally renewed. Global Foundation Services (GFS) is the engine that powers Microsoft’s cloud services. We focus on smart growth, high reliability, operational excellence, cost-effectiveness, environmental sustainability, and a trustworthy online experience for…

Rapport: Groeistuipen van Cloud Computing

  Dit rapport gaat in op de invloed van de gebruikers van Cloud Computing. Zij beïnvloeden namelijk de aanbieders van ICT. Om te profiteren van Cloud Computing moeten aanbieders strategische keuzes maken. De belangrijkste conclusies uit het rapport: Alle ingrediënten…

SkyCMD : An even faster version of SkyDrive

The Windows Live Skydrive team keeps improving Skydrive. Today I noticed they’ve made an unexpected move .. back to the “DOS prompt” With .   O, and do notice the date this “new version” of Skydrive is announced ……

Bring Your Own … Cloud | #byoc

Gartner Group published a new report on Personal Cloud Services. The most recent developments with devices is that they all come with their own cloud services, like email, pictures, documents, etc. Personally I love cloud services like Kindle and Netflix…

Microsoft GFS Datacenter Tour

This 10 min video provides a lot of information about Microsoft’s Datacenters : This video will provide a deeper look at how Microsoft uses secure, reliable, scalable and efficient best practices to deliver over 200 cloud services to more than…